Ways you can improve your confidence level

Confidence essentially means being sure of oneself and ones abilities. This should not be in arrogant way, rather a person who has confidence is sure of themselves in realistic way. Confidence does not mean that you feel better than . It's just that confident people know quiet inside that they are competent.

Value of confidence is immense and that's why it's essential to have a successful and good life. Cconfidence helps us feel ready for the experience of life. When we are confident, we are more likely to move forward with people and not to retreat from them. Confidence gives one opportunity to experience and live life to their inner self.

Knowing how to boost your confidence can be a key to success. It can help you achieve your goals, and live a purpose-filled life.

On the contrary, not having confidence can be a bad omen for your mental and physical well-being as well as hampering your chances of ever attenaing a successful life.

Here's how you can improve your confidence level.

1) Get Things Done

Confidence is built on accomplishment, making a schedule and sticking to it, could be a good place to start. Whenever the task is finished, treat yourself and feel good about yourself.

Trying to get things done will reduce stress and anxiety from your life, which will start a positive feed back loop. This also gives you more time for to indulge in leisure activies like sports, gaming, picnics and much more.

To do things more effectively and efficiently get yourself a work schedule and stick to it. Doing this will put order and organisations into your routine, which is a pre requist for a 'De-Cluttered' brain.

2) Try Mirror Talk

Talking to yourself through mirror or Mirror talk is the habit of telling the positive truth/positive aspects about yourself in the mirror. By practicing this regularly, one can actively increase their self-confidence and self-image.

Mirrors create a way to externalize an internal dialogue and that way one can see it from a different perspectives. By learning patterns of self-talk and understanding critical voices, one can engage in more encouraging dialogue with themselves for maximum benefit.

Practising and talking to yourself when nobody's around can be a helpful way to boost your confidence level, try to be precise and well-meaning in what you want to say and summarize or write it down on some paper or your mobile phone.

3) Exercise

Exercise is defined as exercise that moves the muscles and causes the body to burn calories. There are different types of physical activity, such as swimming, running, jogging, walking, and dancing, to name a few. Being active has been shown to have many health benefits, both physically and mentally.

There are two types of excercise out there.
Aerobic and Anerobic Excercises, for better confidence one must start with Aerobic excercises.

Aerobic exercise provides your brain with valuable nutrients and oxygen to improve cognitive function. After exercising, you will be able to focus more, be careful, and complete the day's work more efficiently, increasing your self-esteem.

This habit will help you get in shape, it'll help you improve your body image, and it's a great place to start if you want to feel good about yourself.

4) Be Fearless 

A fearless person is one who is aware, objective, and realistic. They are unconventional, confident and attentive. They are grateful, but they know when they can control it. Brave people are always ready-in fact, fear drives them into action.

When you are not afraid of anything, you are naturally confident because the lack of self-confidence is mainly caused by the fear of rejection, danger or failure. Therefore, self-confidence is a by-product of fearlessness.

Don't hesitate in questioning - as questioning only bring clarity to the mind. Learn to fight for what you consider is yours and right, don't be afraid of taking what's rightly yours to be taken.

Get into the habit of things that scare you. If you are scared by some physical activity like flying beacuse of the fear of heights, try para glading, if you wear any particular animal, vist a zoo and try to interact with that animal.

Another aspect of fearlessness is 'not caring'. Stop caring of other opinions about you, especially about the things that don't effect them. Don't care about losing people, as fearless will make you attractive for people, you'll never be lonely.

5) Join a Community

Joining a community of people that face the same issue will help you find a group of people who have the same objective as you and who can sympathize with what you are as a person.

Joining a community will give you chance of interacting with individuals who are dealing with this and other issues, thus broadening your horizons. As a community member, the community will give you a safe space to discuss ans share all of your past traumas and people who understand, relate and sympathize with you.

6) Stop Comparing And Understand

Comparing yourself with other brings out jealousy and negative emotions, these negative emotions effect and hamper your relationships and outlook towards life.
When you're jealous of someone else's life, it's always helpful to remember one's own strengths and achievements.

Keep a diary of gratitude to help you remember the areas of life that you have been blessed in. This will helps you focus on your life and less on the lives of others.

Jealousy can have a real life negative and harmful impact physically and mentally. It can lead to paronia, stress, depression, anxiety, abuse, distrust, emotional detachment and even physical abuse.

If you're jealous of someone who's particularly successful than start practising 'Self Kindness'. Self-Kindness means treating yourself kindly when you make a mistake, fail, or are frustrate. This allows you to be more emotionally flexible and helps you better manage challenging emotions and improve connections with yourself and others.

You're every waking minute should be spend improving your own life, instead of wasting valuable time on worrying or being jealous from people around you.


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