How To Pursue Your Ambition In Life


Ambition is the characteristic quality in people that drives and gives them motivation to work towards their dreams.
Ambition can be personal, social, historical, societal or of anyother type these.

Description or definition of the word 'Ambition' can be defined as '"internalised desire to achieve someone normally fuled by determination and will power". So synonym of ambition is intention or purpose and meaning of ambition becomes in lay term word 'a journey often characterized by personal goals or personal intention'.

Only practical for sucess and growth is to make your every habbit a ambitious kitchen in achieving your life goals and dreams. You'll need to make changes and leave your comfort zone if you want to achieve worthwhile in your life.

In today's globalised and interconnected world, there's no need to elaborate or explain why ambition is such a important and a vital characteristics to have for a individual in the modern world.

I'll let experts, authors and people who've achieved something in their life despite having multiple problems, I'll let them say it for me with their apt explanation like these. Here are some quotes on ambition that'll explain its importance and need :

¹) "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved".

- Helen Keller

²) "Oh, it's delightful to have ambitions. I'm so glad I have such a lot. And there never seems to be any end to them-- that's the best of it. Just as soon as you attain to one ambition you see another one glittering higher up still. It does make life so interesting".

- L.M. Montgomery

³) "Get Going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don't just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won't happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you'll love it up here."

- Donald Trump

Here's how you can improve and achieve your ambition in your life's.

1) Don't Judge Others - Yours Only Competion Is With Yourself

Apart from obvious results such as jealousy or negative vibes judging others and comparing them with yourself is always a regressive excercise. This practice over a long period of time will lead to demoralisization and self pity which only will effect your working productivity and mindset only furthar.

I read a book and there was this wonderful passage about consequences of comparison and here is the full quote :

"Whatever your passion is, keep doing it. Don't waste time chasing after success or comparing yourself to others. Every flower blooms at a different pace. Excel at doing what your passion is and only focus on perfecting it. Eventually people will see what you are great at doing, and if you are truly great, success will come chasing after you".

- Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

There are several ways you can reduce comparison from your lives, firstmost is to limit your social media usage, this will make you more content with what you already have and will make you worry less about other people's progression.

Second part is to keep reminding yourself that everyone has different consequences and chances at life, people start at different starting point and have different ending points in mind. Definition of success varies from individual to individual.

Third step you can take is to focus on your own strengths and knowl your own weaknesses so that you can work on them.
Knowing your strengths will give you confidence and working on your own weaknesses will take time from you where you'll be thinking or comparing yourself with other people.

2) Surround Yourself With People Who Encourage You And People That Have A Positive Impact On You

Humans are a social animal, they live and thrive in communities and tribes. All you have to do is to find a community that has same goals and objectives as you have.

It is scientifically proven and psychologically tested statement that individuals that have similar set of goals and ambitions thrive together, they can resort to one another when in need of help, resources and guidance.

Just take notice of who's supporting your growth, who's having a positive impact on your mindset and who's demoralising you, leave the later perosn.

Sometimes sucess starts when you've left a toxic and cold relationship behind to focus on your goals and ambitions, like this author has said:-

"If you walked away from a
toxic, negative, abusive,
one-sided, dead-end
low vibrational
relationship or friendship
— you won".

- Lalah Delia

Moretimes than not its a achievement in itself to leave a toxic relationship without enduring permanent mental, emotional and physical traumas of some sort or another.

3) Don't Wait, Set Goals And Take Risks

This should've been the first point but regardless of that setting goals and knowing what your goals can make your life exciting and worthwhile.

By goals, I refer to small goals as completing a assignment as a students or completing a job related work as an employee and large goals such as fulfilling a life dream or getting yourself out of unfortunate, unhealthy and unhappy circumstances.

Waiting refers to wishful thinking that a messiah or some extraordinary event will change your life and fortunes. In real world this isn't likely to happen, so first thing is to do is to stop waiting for others or some supernatural force you to help, because it won't. Start working today on your goals at this very moment.

By taking risks, I mean that you should make it a habbit of yours to get out of your "Comfort Zone", this will broden your perspective/horizons and give you experiences that you never dreamed off.

To set goals, set a realistic timeline and course of action to achieve that goal of yours. It's best that this timeline exist not only on your mobile phone but it should be placed upon that place where you'll be everyday like side of your mirror. I've placed mine timetable alongside the wall of my clothing shelf.

4) Commitment And Dedication Are The Key

Once you've figured out your goals and targets, stay committed and dedicated to them. Take out time from other activities that aren't productive to your routine and allocate that time to your new goal.

Ambition and Action have a very strong and deep connection, in fact it won't be incorrect to say that ambition comes from action. Be dedicated to this course of action and you'll be successful.

Importance of dedication, commitment and its postive can be best understood by these quotations :

¹) "The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand".

– Vince Lombardi

²) "We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort".

- Jesse Owens

³) "Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe".

- Gail Devers

For sustainable commitment that won't give you a burnout every other week, it's best to plan ahead for a entrie month or couple of months. Remember to take preodic breaks and plan vacation getaways in these days.

5) Don't Overthink, Have A Postive Attitude And Work On Your Personal Development

kills ambition so always try to have a positive attitude towards your goals and life in general, nothing good has come out off negativity.

In order to stop overthinking, talk to yourself in the mirror, write down your thoughts on paper and if nothing works out consult a proffesional,councillor,therapist/psychologist. Woking on your sleeping habbits by not using mobile phone (social media in particular at late in night) this help to lower overthinking by improving your sleep.

Personally, to avoid overthinking, I do regular walk and try to spent atleast half an hour daily in nature. Listening to soothing and relaxing music also helps my overthinking. Focusing my mind on solving problems at hand and generally staying in the moment (mentally, off course) has helped lowers my overthinking.

Psychologist and councillors recommend painting, doodling, writing or reading to people who overthink athawho's overthinking has affected their performance in different ways of life.

For positive attitude, practice gratitude.
Always remain and keep in mind your privilege with reaction to others. Start getting pleasure from simple and readily available things in life like trees, sky, rain, technologies and above all human interaction. This will ensure that you are permitting yourself to being loved by folks around you. Learn to say no, set up some personal/proffesional boundaries, learn to manage rejections, don't resent but find a place where you can get take out that resentment, compliment people around you
and try to focus on their positive attributes.

Start working on your personal development today, from learning new skills to communication skills, be so endgrend in personal development that you stop focusing negatives that are around you.


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