Tips For A Healthier Life

Time stops for no one, if you're not healthy today and not doing anything about it, it's  only effect will be felt by your, your body and those who are closest to you.

“A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned.” 
– Naval Ravikant

Being healthy isn't just a small goal that you've or you want to achieve rather its a lifestyle choice where you mindfully choose your health over cravings. In a short run choosing health over cravings will be hard but in the long term it'll be beneficial beyond your wildest dreams.

Here are several tips you can follow to live a more productive and healthier life.

1) Know Your Genetic History

All humans are product of their respective parents, this goes for negative attributes aswell like diseases that they might unknowingly genetically transferred to you. This is essentially important to know in your later teenager years because most these disease become apparent once after you reach the age of 30 and above.

"Your genetics load the gun. Your lifestyle pulls the trigger".

- Mehmet Oz

For example if you know that one of you're parents were diabetic, it's best to limit your suger intake especially the artificial one. If your parents have a heart problem, it's best limit amount of stress your putting on your heart.

In short, if you're parents have a health issue, it's best to prevent a possible disease by taking preventive measures like taking regular medication before the symptoms start to show and start causing you bodly harm.

To sum it up

"Human beings are ultimately nothing but carriers-passageways- for genes. They ride us into the ground like racehorses from generation to generation. Genes don't think about what constitutes good or evil. They don't care whether we are happy or unhappy. We're just means to an end for them. The only thing they think about is what is most efficient for them".

- Haruki Murakami

2) Regular Walk Isn't A Choice, It's A Absolute Necessity

“Walking is the best possible exercise.”
– Thomas Jefferson

It's almost cliche to say at this point that waking is very,very important. In my opinion it shouldn't even be counted in excercises but rather be taken as a necessary step in better life.

Walking a hour daily can have better impact on your body and physical health compared to training in gym on different machines and on different exercises.

 “Exercise to stimulate, not to annihilate. The world wasn’t formed in a day, and neither were we. Set small goals and build upon them.”
– Lee Haney

Walking is perhaps best preventative for diseases like heart stroke, blood pressure, diabetes, several types of cancer. In addition to all this, walking is essential in maintaining muscle endurance, strengthening bones, improve immune system and maintain a healthy weight with regards to your body mass and bond structure (BMI).

Personally walking has helped me reduce stress and anxiety by spending more and more time in nature, among trees, among greenery.

“When I’m in turmoil, when I can’t think, when I’m exhausted and afraid and feeling very, very alone, I go for walks. It’s just one of those things I do. I walk and I walk and sooner or later something comes to me, sometimes to make me feel less like jumping off a building.”
– Jim Butcher

Walking is perhaps one of the easiest way of finding strangers and making freinds out of them.

3) Quit Smoking/Alcohol Today

“Burn calories, not cigarettes.”

– Anonymous

There are no known benefits of consuming alcohol or cigarettes via smoking. Infact, there are countless minor and several major consequences of consuming these two products. Smoking is known to cause lung cancer, mouth cancer and other respiratory disease whereas consuming alcohol for a longer period of time is known to cause liver problems like liver problems.

Quitting these two won't be a easy job, but if you want your health first, then you have to do it regardless. Probably best place to start in this regard is with self talk, tell yourself that you can succeed without these harmful products, than create a viable and practical working schedule for leaving these harmful practices. It is best and adviceable to join a community of people that are going through same.

“Smoking is a habit that drains your money and kills you slowly, one puff after another. Quit smoking, start living.”
– Anonymous

Remember, if everyone around consume these things, it still doesn't mean that you should too. They have their own body while you have only yours. There shouldn't be any shame in acknowledging this and trying to stop this habbit step by step and slowly. Look for withdrawal symptoms and be prepared when they'll eventually come.

It'll be hard but through willpower and mindset you can do it as millions upon millions of individuals have done in before you.

4) Take Up Cycling

Cycling is a wonderful habit to adopt, it's best for within city travel and it tends to rank among the healthiest of lifestyle adaption adults can choose to adap.

There are various other health benefits associated with practice of cycling like lessened stress level, enhanced stamina, better joint mobility especially in knee joints, much improved muscle strength and overall great cardiovascular fitness.

Perhaps, greatest beauty of cycling is that it gives cyclist a chance of witnessing nature like you wouldn't see on any other means of transport.

“Cyclers see considerably more of this beautiful world than any other class of citizens. A good bicycle, well applied, will cure most ills this flesh is heir to”
- Dr. K. K. Doty


Nature loves bicycle because no harm to nature comes from the bicycle!”

-Mehmet Murat Ildan.

5) Know What You're Eating And Why You're Eating It

This one is a no brainer, at the end of the day, your as healthy as what you're putting inside your body. It is advised by health professionals and nutritionist all over the world to take a balance diet, a balance diet is one in which they're are numerous micronutrients like carbohydrates or proteins and vitamins such as adequate fibre.

National Health Services (NHS) of UK define the balance diet as such :-

"Eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions, and consuming the right amount of food and drink to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight".

Balance Diet isn't a choice that you can live without, it's an absolute necessity. It helps to maintain a healthy immune system thus preventing diseases like cold, fevers and chills. Moreover it reduces the impact of overwork by reducing overall impact of fatigue and stress that's put onto your body. 

It's even more vital in younger people because a regular balanced diet, children can end up malnourished, face a lifelong poor learning disability and can be host of frequently occurring infections.

Even if you're having a regular balanced diet, it's always important to know what you're putting inside your body and how many calories does that said food contain.
Rule of the thumb is, always keep a eye on calories per serving on every food product that you'll be buying from supermarket or groceries store.


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