
How To Live Life More Simply

  We live in a global, interconnected and  modern world, where these days life for everyone seems to be hectic, complicated and stressful. One is often reminded of old custom and village life that was centered around good simple living. To define it, what I mean by simple living is to "live your life to the fullest accompanied by your hobbies and what you love and not careing what society or other people think from you or of your decisions". Few academics, scholars and writers have penned down their own definition of simple living, there as follow: 1) " Simplicity boils down to two things: identify the essential and eliminate the rest" - LEO BABAUTA 2)  " Stay low, stay quiet, keep it simple, don't expect too much, enjoy what you have". - Dean Koontz 3 ) " A simple life is not seeing how little we can get by with—that’s poverty—but how efficiently we can put first things first. . . . When you’re clear about your purpose and your priorities, ...

Netflix Shows That Everyone Should Watch

Netflix is one of the biggest premium subscription service provider that nowadays produces original movies, documentaries, series, dramas and any other demand based entertainment services and ask very little monthly or yearly subscriptions for it. Apart from it, there are thousands upon thousands of already released movies, documentaries, and series without any ad breaks. Recent phenomenon like covid pandemic and its consequences on global society and global culture like 'work from home', and 'remote working' have increased and shown the potential for these on demand video subscriptions platforms. The popularity and mass adaption of this platform can be attribute to its low rates compared to its competitors and its wide range, genre of content it overs. All you have to do is to make a account on this that platform and than login into you're netflix account and you're good to go to see netflix movies and best movies that are available on netflix, best netflix se...

How To Pursue Your Ambition In Life

  Ambition is the characteristic quality in people that drives and gives them motivation to work towards their dreams. Ambition can be personal, social, historical, societal or of anyother type these. Description or definition of the word 'Ambition' can be defined as '"internalised desire to achieve someone normally fuled by determination and will power". So synonym of ambition is intention or purpose and meaning of ambition becomes in lay term word 'a journey often characterized by personal goals or personal intention'. Only practical for sucess and growth is to make your every habbit a ambitious kitchen in achieving your life goals and dreams. You'll need to make changes and leave your comfort zone if you want to achieve worthwhile in your life. In today's globalised and interconnected world, there's no need to elaborate or explain why ambition is such a important and a vital characteristics to have for a individual in the modern world. ...

5 Money-Saving Tips

  Money is probably one of the most important aspect of our modern lives. As they that 'Money Makes The World Go Round', so more money you have, more you are better off. In layman terms, saving is simply the money you have that's not being actually being spent but rather mindfully set apart for later use. Thus saving money simply refers to mindful and control of money. There are thousands of potential advantages for people who have a habbit of saving their money, like giving them financial security, chances to invest small in business or stocks, to have money when they are in need, improves they quality of life and invest in some skill at a later juncture of your existence. Many fiancal experts and money saving gurus have given their expert opinion on importance of practice of saving money, some of these quotes are: 1 - "To Become Rich — You Must Value Saving More than Spending". - George Choy 2 - " Save (Money) when you don’t need it, and it’ll be the...

How to Get a Grip on Life: Get Work Life Balance

Working has become a symbol of modern life, be it studying for you academics, doing a job to improve and maintain financial stability or taking care of yourself by performing excercises, work is all around us. That being said, these days most people suffer from work life balance. Simply put, the meaning of work life balance is proper allocation of energies and effort an individual puts to complete a certain task/tasks. These people cannot allocate proper amount of time and energy to get their certain done, which causes hectic lifestyle, stress, lack of satisfaction and low self esteem just to name few of the downfalls. Above all these people run in constant presence and burn out, which toxifies their personal, professional and public lives. This whole experience of not having a grip on your own life can make you feel lost internally, shake your confidence and you don't have any idea what to do next or how to do it. Thus this shows the importance of work and life balance. Mainta...

Festivals Around The World Part 2

  Festival, simply defined, is a celebration of ritual or tradition that can have its root in religion or culture. Therefore festivals aren't limited to historical or cultural identity of a certain culture rather festivals can celebrate any attribute of a culture like it's food, music, lights, dresses or outfits among any other thing or object that has social or cultural significance. Festivals are lively events, often characterized by the morale of its observers and participants. Thus in recent years there have been scams in the name of festivals like one that happen in 2017, I.e, Fyre Festival, a event that scammed people in giving them their money for advanced bookings just because certain celebrities did paid promotion unknowingly that they were promoting a scam event. Thus in today's age its important to know festivals that impact millions, since everything is so globalised. Knowing these festivals will help you connect with people that are indigenous to these cultur...