How To Increase Productivity

Productivity has become a critical part of modern life. On individual level the definition of productivity can be given as

measure of important things and task done by an individual in certain time.

There are numbers of ways in the modern world by which one can increase their productivity, these can include productivity apps, a checklist, a notebook or a notepad among many other things.

Nowadays most people confuse productivity with efficiency. These two are interlinked but they are not the same. Efficency is a measure of all the physics materials a individual has used to complete the task whereas productivity refers to the quantity of the work being done.

1) Know Your Limitations

First things first, know your limitations.
Knowing what your limitations are can help you to avoid things that will be difficult and require extra hard work from you.

Plus the added advantage of knowing your limitations will be that you will avoid misery and disappointment from doing this that are beyond your limit.

2) Priotrize

Productivity is all about doing the important tasks and chores first.

Whether your trying to enhance your productivity while working from home or your trying to increase your problems while your at you're workplace, prioritising will help you.

Priotrizing will put you in the driving seat for the descions of your life. Even if the outcome is not as good as you expected it to be, you will not be blaming anyone.
Plus if you will not priotrize things in your life, your life will become disorderly and that will leave you with alot of bad physical and emotional consequences.

Doing urgent things first will give you physical and mental satisfaction that will put you in a a positive place.

3) Multi Tasking Is Not Productivity

Humans brains are hardwired to do one thing/chores at a time, so when you will be multitasking, your brain will be occupied with multiple tasks, not being able to concentrate or focus on any one particular task.

This clearly demonstrates how multitasking negatively effects productivity.
In order to increase productivity avoid multitasking, do a urgent task first and the not important task later.

Multitasking is not what your brain and body is made for, doing it consistently will only increase stress and anxiety levels in your body.

Another disadvantage of multi tasking that related to productivity is the increase chances of getting a 'burn out'.
Burnout essentially means your body and brain tiring up from a certain task.
Burnout has additional negative consequences like sense of disillusionment, stress and anxiety, loss of passion, fatigue, anger among many other.

Multi Tasking will not only effect your productivity but it will also decrease your quality of the work being done.

4) Time Management

Divide your time of a day into small manageable and breakable periods, than assign yourself a particular task for completion in that particular time.

Managing time effectively will have help your mind not to be overwhelmed easily and that will go a long way.

Time Management will help you to improve your quality of your work,
will help to priotrize and most importantly help your routine become more organised.

5) Breaks And Reward

Breaks are important for individuals beacuse it narrows and decreases the chances of a burnout. Breaks essentially provide your body and brain with a valuable distraction and helps you brain focus on other things, taking a break and travelling is the best thing one can do.

Breaks also have in lessening the stress and anxiety levels which in turn boost your productivity levels.

Rewarding yourself after achieving a milestone or after completing a task is important because it provides your brain with a positive feedback loop. Apart from providing a feedback loop, rewarding also helps to decrease procrastination.

6) Cut Down On You're To Do List

First is obvious, to have a planned to do list that's practical. But more time than not,
Importance of certain items on that to do list changes.

So it's important to remove the unwanted items that are no longer on your priority. Added benefit of removing unwanted, unnecessary or irrelevant objects from your do list is that this saves time, time that can be used up to do doing much important tasks that you've placed on the top of the list.

By maintaining a updated to do list, one can actively provide their attention to topmost item on that list, the item that need most of your attention.

7) Communication Is The Key

Humans are social animals, so naturally we thrive on communication and good language skills. On individual as well as community level, communication is the key to find and get better result.

Communication can help in sorting out the jobs and field of work for different individuals and telling these individual what is expected of them.

 This will not only ensure employee and employer  relationship which would be healthy within a organisation or a hirechary but it's a established way of making a workspace more problem oriented.

8) Finding Meaning In What You're Doing

Humans crave meaning. Through meaning humans find a way through rough and hard times. Meaning also provide humans with clarity of thought and happiness when that said goal is achieved.

Once you've de-cluttered the meaning behind whatever your doing, you are likely to that thing with passion and thus can face any hardship, difficultly or failure in a way with heads on.

9) Reliance And Belief In YourSelf

Always keep in mind that your that only person in world that cares about your intentions and goals. Only rely on yourself.
More often than not relying on others will only will bring stress and disappointment in your life. Self Reliance is thus the key for increase productivity.

Believing in yourself is a natural extension of self reliance. Believing in yourself comes when you know in your heart that you perform the said task. Believing in your own capabilities will not make you happier as an individual but this will make you a valuable individual for your community, company or organisation.


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