How To Lose Weight


Losing weight can be a tough task, especially considering the hustle and bustle of our modern lives. As this many people follow a 'weight loss diet plan' or

'weight loss exercise but most of the time these don't give the desired results.

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for your health. Not only can you reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure, but you can also reduce the risk of various types of cancer.

Because of this most people lose faith and don't lose weight this can be the foundational reason behind their "body insecurity" or "lack of self'.

Here are a few ways and techniques if you use you will lose weight.

1) Give Your Body Time

Your body is not a machine, it won't lose weight or get back in shape by doing exercise. Give the whole process at least a year or two. There's no proven way by which you will 'lose weight fast or a diet plan by following which 'weight loss in 7 days.

Don't panic if at first there are no immediate physical results from your physical or dietary regimen, it will take time. Remember the goal is to "keep yourself healthy and fit and not physical beauty that will fade away one day regardless.

Don't be tricked by social media campaigns that there's any realistic and organic way by which one can lose weight, it alway takes months.

2) Weight Loss Exercise

Multiple exercises will help you in your weight loss journey, these include 'running, skipping, boxing and swimming just to name a few.

Walking is an excellent way to lose weight at home without the need to join a gym. Running reduces the calories in your body and helps regulate your blood flow. In addition, it also helps to burn the fat that is stored in your belly. If there is one weight loss tip at home that will work on reducing your weight it's the advice to "start running'.

Skipping is yet another exercise that is a weight loss exercise for people that cannot go to the gym. It helps to burn calories and belly fat.

Swimming is probably one of the very few exercises that target the fat in the body regardless of where it is inside your body.

Another aspect of excercise is the importance of doing a warm up. A warm up for any exercise is essentially part of the physical effort that normally includes stuff like stretching and bedding of muscles, a warm up is typically done before a performance or practice, with pre-practice or gentle practice.

3) Eat Healthily

There are a lot of foods that can help you lose weight like beans, fish, greens or vegetables. But all of these should be taken in a quantity that's consistent with how much your target burning of calories is.

A healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. Protects you from many chronic non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Eating a variety of diets and reducing the consumption of salt, sugar, saturated and processed trans fats is essential for a healthy diet.

4) Drink Plenty of Water

Water is essential to a fucationing human body even more than food. Apart from this, its excellent in helping for shedding weight.

Water is very helpful in losing weight. It's 100% calorie-free, helps you burn more calories, and can even suppress your appetite when taken before meals. The benefits are even greater when you replace sweet drinks that normally contain artificial sugar in them with water. Thus increasing one's water intake is a relatively easy way to loose weight.

To lose weight by drinking water, one must know the proper time and quantity of water intake that will do the trick. This measurement is different for different people and it depends upon the weight that person wants to loose and his/her overall general health. The best time to drink a glass of water is 30 minutes before each meal. It keeps one from eating too much by curbing appetite. It's also an effective way to control calorie intake to help you lose weight. Also, avoid drinking water immediately after or during a meal. It's also advised not to drink water just before ones going to sleep.

5) Use a Smaller Sized Plate

This method is relatively new one when it comes to weight loss but nonetheless its simple, cheap and above all effective.  Small plates are also known as 'Potion Control Plates" in some places.

Potion control plates also help you lose weight. It is advised to fill up half of the plate with fruits and vegetables so that one automatically limits their intake of high-calorie, solid and starchy foods. If you feel you want to eat something, just get yourself a water bottle.

6) Start Reading Food Labels

All approved food and liquid materials that you will see on your shelf of nearby market or malls will have a food label section normally pasted at the back of food product. This food label will tell buyer the amount of various ingredients that are in the product. These ingredients are normally 'serving size', 'sugar composition', 'fibre composition', 'artificially added flavour' among many other variation of ingredients that go in the making of food products.

There are many benefits for reading a food label. They are 'Comparing same type of product by their percentage of ingredients' among many other.
Puting into context of what youre eating is very important to understand . The food label shows what you put in your body by reading the ingredients and how much you eat by reading the nutritional information.

Other useful aspect of reading a food label is its psychological advantage. Reading a food label makes one aware of what they are putting in their bodies and everytime one buys some food item from a nearby shop, mall or a market, one is instantaneously reminded of number of calories and artificial sugar they are putting into their own bodies.


Losing Wight can feel like a hectic and laborious task but doing right steps repeatedly does make a considerable and visible impact. Nothing of value can be achieved easily, and this goes for weight loss as well.


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