Social Media Growth

Social Media is like a jungle full of opportunities, these opportunities can be exploited to make a sound earning for yourself or your brand.

Growing on  social media gives brands the opportunity to build trust with potential customers, partners and talents / employees. This is especially true if others are promoting your brand or product / service to others.

Biggest advantage of growing on any social media is that it can be monitized by which a creator can make money, and engage with new people.

Here are five tips on how can you achieve Social Media Success.

1) Choose the right Social media Platform To Attract an Audience

Knowing where to post is half of the battle when it comes to social media success. Know what type of content you'll post and choose the social media platform accordingly.

This will and can take time, but once you've considered your platform of choice you'll be all good to go. There are multiple things that you have to consider while choosing a platform for your content, first is your content type, second is your targeted audience, available resources that you have and last one is potential earning and longitivty of the said platform.

Once you've made your mind about changing your niche/genre of content, otherwise the algorithm won't suggest your content to new people and this way it'd be impossible for you to grow on any social media platform.

2) Optimize your social media profiles

Social Media Optimization (SMO for short) is a strategy by which companies or public accounts increase awareness about their new Product. This step helps brands to increase their visibility among digital audiences.

Social Media Optimization works differently for different platfroms, but basics remain the same. These basics include like you being the only person in your profile picture, background should be kept out of focus and you should suitable and decent facial expression in your profile picture.

3) Know Your Ideal Time To Post And Be Consistent

Everyone posts at different times of the day according to their audiences. Know what time your audience is on the said platform and then post accordingly.

Posting Irregularly will make or multiple times a day, will make it harder and annoying for your followers to follow your content. It will have also increase the chances of you receiving a shadow ban from the platform, watch analytics or insights of your content and that way you'll know the best time to Post.

Second thing is consistency, Ideal number for content varies from platform to platform that should be posted per week or per month. In the start, regardless of the platform put out your content every other day.

4) Post Engaging Content, but with a Purpose

Engagement is one thing that's required on almost all social media platforms, put out engaging content with which people can engage it. You can make your content engaging by just making it accessible, shareable, actionable and short. Short form videos are all the rage these days.

Your content must have a 'call to action'.
Call to action is typically and traditionally used in marketing but these it's used in social media and digital landscape.

This is part of content, advertising, or websites that encourage readers to take action. On websites, subpoenas are usually buttons, clickable images, or links.

Call to action is usually referred to as CTA.
CTA is usually at the bottom of a blog post or web page, but it can also appear anywhere on your website or in social media messages or social media post.

5) Actively Engage with your Audience

Engagement is the key when you've got your audience, engaging with them will create a positive feedback loop when the said audiences will engage with your content.

These engagement with your audience
can be done online and offline via in person meetups, surprise visit, and interacting with your audience at a event
Online engagement can happen through trivia questions, Q/A, members only chat and other perks privileges only your select audience members will have related your content.

6) Do Paid/Sponsor On Platfrom

This is the only paid method that will be on this list. These days, almost every platfrom has a minimum amount by paying which any user can sponsor their content to desired targeted audience.

These platfroms in turn considerably very little money for providing this service. For most platfroms these days this is the only way a user/creator can get instant click, impression or subscribers.

7) Collaboration

Collaboration is essentially you working with other creator to make content. These collaboration increase the amount of users that interact with your post.

Collaboration will also help to built one on one interpersonal relationship with other creators. It's always to know people and have experience working with them for growth particularly.

8) Share Share & Share

You are you're own biggest advister, share your content everywhere you go, be it online or offline. Tell your family members, your friends, your relatives, your colleagues about your content. Word of mouth still matters much even in this age of technology. When your online share your content on all the different platfroms and sites that you use, message and mail people to engage with your content. Make sure everyone in your surroundings knows about your content. Ask these people to share your content with more and more people. 

For online sharing also use the process of linking your active content to your passive social media accounts. Active account mean account that you want to grow on and passive accounts are those that are used for only leisure and there's no incentive for growth.

9) Make Content On Trendy Topics

In the world of social media, there's always a new trend going viral every other day. You'll have to just participate in a trend that's getting viral but also relavatent with your content. Social Media Trend have made number of people overnight sensation and who knows that you could be next.

Internet Virality is a phenomenon that you as a creator should know about, timing and reliability are among the biggest ways one can expand on already trending content.


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